Managing for Results

County Manager Wendell Davis and other County leaders discussed Managing for Results on a recent episode of "In Touch with Durham County" on DTV8. Watch the video on theDurham County website or on YouTube. Durham County, NC is in the early stages of implementing its new business model, Managing for Results (MFR). This approach uses best management practices in a systematic way so that the County can:
Plan for what it wants to achieve
Budget for the results it wants
Manage to ensure it is achieving those results
And evaluate and learn to determine how it can make improvements for better outcomes
This spring, staff teams are taking early steps to begin implementing this new model, which is designed to help the County better reach its five strategic goals. Part of that incremental work includes starting to develop a system that will yield better performance measures across the County, beginning with some pilot departments. Other work includes, but is not limited to: designing a process, structure and timeline to update the County's Strategic Plan and developing communications and engagement strategies with staff and the greater community.