City and County Share Resident Survey Results

Results of the first joint resident survey between the City of Durham and Durham County showed strong satisfaction of services in the community and also highlighted opportunities for improvement. “The survey findings indicated that Durham is still headed in the right direction as a community,” County Manager Wendell Davis said in a City-County news release announcing the survey results. “Oftentimes, we as public servants see distinctive lines between City and County services, but the community doesn’t view it as such. The survey shows opportunities where both governments can and should work together to make our community better.” Among County services, the survey -- conducted by Kansas firm ETC -- found that residents see Social Services, Tax and communication with the public as top-priority opportunity areas for the future. The survey, which counted 679 community respondents, is one information tool that will help the County as it considers how to best use its resources. Check out the survey report and a related presentation to the Board of County Commissioners here.