Trees Across Durham Recap
Trees Across Durham, a joint initiative of the City and County, has planted over 500 trees in the past two months. Trees were planted at...

County Engages in Creating a Durham Promise Zone
In response to community needs, Durham County Cooperative Extension is shepherding the federal application process for a Durham Promise...

Student Interns Assist Trees Across Durham
Southern High School students are hard at work this summer. Through the Durham YouthWork Internship Program, nine Southern students are...

Durham Celebrates National Recovery Month
The Criminal Justice Resource Center (CJRC) hosted its 3rd annual recovery celebration on September 19. The event celebrated National...

Durham's Finest Trees
What's your favorite tree in Durham? Maybe you walk by it every evening, or drive past it on your way to and from work.The Master...

Durham YouthWork Internship Program Hosts Summit
The Durham YouthWork Internship Program, a Durham City/County/Durham Public Schools initiative, will host a summit in partnership with...

Plant Trees Across Durham
The cooler temperatures have arrived, allowing for tree planting season! This year, Trees Across Durham will plant trees at Durham’s...

Durham Eco Fair 2014 Recap
Thanks to all who came out to the Durham Eco Fair at the Human Services building on Oct. 21! We had a great turnout and participants...

Durham Reads Together with Rep. John Lewis
In October, the library will host its biennial community read program, Durham Reads Together, featuring March: Book One by Congressman...

Sign Up for Charge Ahead Durham
Charge Ahead Durham is a fun, new program that makes it easy for you to take actions in your everyday life to help the environment, save...