Durham YouthWork Internship Program Hosts Summit

The Durham YouthWork Internship Program, a Durham City/County/Durham Public Schools initiative, will host a summit in partnership with Durham Parks and Recreation at the Holton Career and Resource Center (401 N. Driver St.) on Friday, February 27, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Youth ages 14 to 21 and their parents are invited to attend this free event to explore various careers, community resources and educational opportunities. Participants can interact with businesses at the Career Fair, and take part in workshops around three topics: Social Media, the Gaming Industry and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) careers. There will also be giveaways, including a PlayStation 4, an HP laptop computer and a pair of Beats headphones. Young people who are interested in attending the summit must RSVP by email – including full name, age and school/program – to durhamyouthwork@durhamnc.gov.